Friday, May 14, 2010

April Snow Showers and May Showers...where are the flowers?

It's been a busy month for the St. Clair house. Working...working out...spring cleaning...and sprucing up the yard. But there's still been some time for fun. Monday night, we went to the last Jazz game of the season...Game 4 against the Lakers. We have much hate for the Lakers. They're the Yankees of the NBA. Overpaid. Overgrown. That many good players (and tall ones) should not be on the same team.

It was my first time watching the Jazz live at Energy Solutions Arena. I'd always thought it was so overpriced to just go sit and watch a basketball game. But I have to say, they do keep you entertained. And cheering on your team with thousands of other worth it. We cheered from the upper deck...ate churros and kettle corn...and booed the Lakers. The bad part...about a quarter of the arena was full of Lakers Fans. Salt Lake has a LOT of California transplants...and they bring their sports loyalties. Boo. So when the Lakers went on a 20 point run because the refs kept calling us on EVERYTHING...ESA turned into the Staples Center. It was sad. My favorite part...the Jazz Bear. And those who know me know how I feel about mascots. This one is pretty bad ass. I can respect the Bear.

Right now I'm on an 8-day straight run at work. This after a 6-day run. I'm not sure when I'll ever work 5 normal days again. If I go postal, you'll know why. I'm sorry if I bite your head off. On a happier's a video that made me smile. It will probably do the same for you :)