Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Where the heck is fall?

86 degrees today here in Salt Lake. The week October is supposed to start. Yesterday, it was 90.

Fall is my favorite time of year, and while I like summer, it's really only because snow driving is not involved, there's no inversion, and all the leaves are still on the trees. But I want some crisp, 70 degree weather, so I can put that extra cover on my bed, start making chili on a regular basis, and get even more excited about my morning coffee.

I LOVE fall! Halloween, all the crisp leaves. If I could, I would take a hiatus from work for an entire month between October and November, just so I can walk through different parts of town. The Avenues in fall is one of my favorites. I can remember one day when I was in college, leaving class, and just going for a walk. I ended up at the Salt Lake Cemetery (one of my favorite places in town, by the way. I know, it's weird, but go see it sometime) on a three hour adventure. All the leaves were falling in golden cascades, crunching beneath my feet.

This year, I'm hankering to go up City Creek Canyon, past the water treatment plant. The only thing is that part of the canyon is so remote, I worry about predators of all varieties, and I'm not allowed to take dogs that far up. So I need to wait until I can find a buddy to go with me. It's uphill, but it's so pretty! Last time I was up there, I was one of three people in the entire canyon.

This week, I'm super excited for Sunday, because Luke and I are getting our pictures taken! It's the first time we've had our photos professionally done since our wedding. Granted, we're not looking our best, but if we avoid the camera just because we're not happy with ourselves, we may never get pictures from this time in our lives. I got a great deal from Groupon on a photo package. I paid $50 for three 1-hour photo sessions, and I get a CD with 15 images and 25% off print order. It's saving me about $450. The dude is even flying in from California to do our photos. The bummer is I was expecting October to be nice and cool, so we could wear sweaters and fall-like clothing. Temp for this Sunday...85. I've told Debbie she needs to find some magical cold front to move in around Thursday and cool things down. We're going to Saltair (another of my favorite places, since you can't take pics at the cemetery :) and I'm excited for how those will turn out. That's the one part about Utah I love. We have such a variety of landscapes that are unique to our state. Mountains to the east, desert to the west, Bear Lake to the north, and the red rock in the south. This year's Christmas card will look different from anyone else in the family.

Time to get back to work I suppose. Today's battle...get the facebook page up and running and formatted for the new show. It launches October 25th! But first...New York City in a week!