So who cares what happened to October and November? They flew by so quick, who even new they were here? Apparently not me.
Fresh Living…that’s been the biggest chunk of my life for the last couple months. We FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY got on the air on October 25th. How do I describe those last three weeks of October…
It was like being in a coma...but your mind is stuck in a Matrix dream world. Adventure on the inside, but numb on the outside.
All in all, we rocked our first week, beating our rivals at Channel 4 the entire week. They’ve been on the air for eight years. We were lucky enough to start out with Raja Bell from the Jazz, two whole new sets outfitted thanks to RC Willey, and a week of Halloween fun. We’ve been killing it ever since. During the November book, we came out as number 2 in the market, ahead of Good Things Utah, behind Studio 5. They’re in our sights for May. For all my friends in the blog world, check out our Facebook page, Fresh Living. We’re doing a giveaway every day from now until Christmas Eve, and we have some pretty awesome giveaways. Plus, we normally do giveaways at least once a week on the show.
In the meantime, home life has been one big lazy blur. Luke worked 10 hour days all through November, and big surprise, he has to work them all through December as well. Apparently there’s some big project at work they have to catch up on. So by the time we both get home, we’re burned out, and we end up sitting in front of the TV or computer pretty much all night. This may be good for polar bears. But we don’t want to be big, fat, furry, nor do we want to eat seals. So hopefully this month we can find a balance to the work and the home time where we don’t idle away 4 hours every night.
Last week we celebrated Luke’s big 2-8. Only 2 years from 30. I know I’m scared! It’s an inevitable reality that youth is fleeting, but dang, that means it’s just about time for babies and more responsibility. Let’s put the blinders on for another couple years though…I’m still in my mid-20s The party was fun, we had all the family over to our little house. It was definitely cozy, and took some careful steps to get everyone comfortable in the house, but we had a wonderful meal, wonderful cake (which Luke describes as the BEST EVER) and wonderful conversation.
And that’s pretty much been it. We’ve got a busy weekend planned, including shopping for the Angel Tree, going to Wendover, and then crashing all day Sunday