I was recently approached about shooting a friend's brother-in-law's wedding in April. After a day of "I'm not worthy!" and "but my equipment is not good AT ALL!" followed by "I have no idea what I'm doing really, it's just a hobby!" I decided I should go for it.
And now I'm a mixed bag of emotions somewhere on the borderlands of anxiety and eagerness.
I've never shot photography for anyone that wasn't a friend who was just letting me practice. It's a tough thing to get over your own self esteem issues to think, "yeah, maybe I could be good enough." It's a big thing, though. These are the photos that generations of their families will see for years and years to come. And it comes down to how well I can wield a camera.
So I'm putting this out there...I'd like more practice. I'm taking a risk, and would like to put myself out there as a photographer in the Salt Lake area within the next year. That means I need to shoot EVERYTHING! Portraits, senior pictures, weddings, engagements, bridals, kids, pets, landscapes, details, businesses. EVERYTHING!
I will offer free photos on CD for you to print, so long as you let me use the photos in my portfolio. Here's my website if you'd like to take a look: http://stclairphoto.blogspot.com. If you've been thinking it's time for an updated photo, give me a call or shoot me an email. My info is all on that website.
And here's to a new adventure, which will hopefully become a part time--or even full time--career!