Monday, September 14, 2009

Treat others how you want to be treated...even in cyberspace

The idea that disrespect is okay…needs to stop NOW. I’m absolutely appalled at the events of the past week. When a respected congressman, shouts at the President of the United States during his address, what does the world think? The man might as well have punched Obama in the face on national television. When children who see figures like Serena Williams and Kanye West as role models for how to make their lives better, and then see them behave in such a manner and think that it’s allowable, what are we losing from our future? I read an article that the events of this week are going to start some nasty undercurrents of racist talk, and I agree with that to a degree. Do I think that these people may be racist? Very possibly, and especially in Kanye’s case. He has a history of outbursts related to the man keeping him down, and black people not being able to get ahead. I think Serena’s outburst was probably frustration because she was losing, and it was just another bad thing happening to her and she lost her temper. Still inexcusable. There are other ways to vent your frustration that doesn’t involve being watched by millions of impressionable people around the world.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Oatmeal at 5am

I've finally been hired on full time, so I figure I should show up at a reasonable hour, rather than an hour and a half to my show in the mornings. Thus, I am eating my oatmeal at...5:17 am. Fully awake right now, but just give it till after the show, and I will definitely be in need of an IV of coffee or straight caffeine.

So the grass seed I planted is pushing its way up through the peat moss. I love how green new grass is, before it's full grown and damaged by the elements. Still a pain because I have to water it at least twice a day. I'm really not looking forward to seeing our water bill this month.

Charlotte and Ham are both staring at me with the "will you finish your GD breakfast already or else give us the rest" look, so I best be finishing it and get ready for work. My goal is to be there before 630 today!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The end of the rainbow

Despite all the pains that come with being a homeowner, there are definitely rewards.

We’ve had a string of good news at the St. Clair house. Yesterday, Luke, DeeDee and I put in our yard. Our backyard is now green, and half of our front yard is also green. Turns out we over-measured our backyard, and had half a pallet of sod left, so we put down some in the front as well! Now, once the seed on the side of the yard grows, we’ll actually have an attractive home here on 5th East. It was tiresome work. Not really hard, it just took a lot of time and there was a lot of bending and lifting. It was so worth it. I’ve been saving for this moment, and the money is definitely well spent. Check out my facebook for photos of the backyard. The only thing that sucks is we’re keeping the pets off the grass for a while as the roots establish. So we’re walking them out front to go pee. The bad part: Charlotte will NOT go to the bathroom on a leash unless you take her for a walk. Not real convenient in the mornings. I have a feeling they’ll be peeing in the back, we’re just going to have to go out with them to spray down their spot and pick up after them. That, or else I’ll be getting up pretty early and getting a lot of walking in during the day!

Next, I’m finally getting some news with work. I was FINALLY made a full time real person, with a raise, on Monday. This helps us out immensely, especially since we haven’t yet heard if Luke will get his job back with Amex. I was so happy at work yesterday I wanted to throw a party. This has been such a long time coming. I think I started training to be a producer in October of last year, and I’ve had my own show since March. Now, I’m finally paid to be a producer.

With that upgrade, my schedule will be changing. With the departure of our 5pm producer, and another of our producers going to Sports, we’ve got some holes to fill. So, starting in mid-September, I’ll be continuing my KJZZ morning show three days a week, but also be doing the 5 and 10pm shows on KUTV on the weekends. Yes, it sucks to be going back to weekends, but I consider this a stepping stone to get where I want. I’ll be writing a lot more. Also, there are no managers here on the weekends, so I’m ultimately responsible for deciding which news gets aired. That’s going to help a lot in building my news judgment and allow me to take on the bigger shows one day. It’s a sacrifice, but I’m not going to be on weekends forever. I’m still interested to see who gets the 5pm. I really would have at least liked to be considered, but what’s done is done. I’ve got a new adventure to take on.

We’re still waiting to hear about Luke’s job, and it’s driving us a little nuts. But, they should be announcing second interviews in the next week or so. From what he hears, if you get a second interview, it’s extremely likely you’ll be hired back. We’re crossing our fingers that our run of luck will continue through September. So far it’s shaping up to be a pretty good month!