Monday, July 27, 2009

And so it ends....

Well, we ran, we hid, we ignored. And it still caught up with us. The Economy.

Tomorrow, Luke has an "organizational update" meeting. Code for "we're doing layoffs." It doesn't look good right now. Word on the street is that the entire department is getting laid off, and then they will have to reapply for a certain amount of jobs that are left. I suppose this is better than cutting based on seniority, because it means he still has a fighting chance to continue working for his company. But still, we never thought we'd be on the verge of this predicament.

And yet, there's a bright spot. My boss just announced our 5pm producer is leaving to take a job in Sacramento. I couldn't reply that I was interested fast enough. Granted, I've got a lot of competition for this position. This is one of the only normal shifts you'll find in the newsroom. You're in at 8:30 and you leave right after the 5pm is done. I have a feeling most, if not all, the AM overnight producers are gunning for this one, as well as some of the late shift people. Frankly, I don't care what I get, I'll take a show vacated by another producer who's being moved to the 5pm. It would just be nice to get back into news!

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my show. I love that I get to be creative, rather than just reporting the news. I get to have more of an agenda than the other shows, and book talent that I think is important for our viewers. This also carries some headaches: guests cancelling at the last minute, constantly racking your brain for fresh material, and intricate, detailed, well organized planning to make sure people are here on the right days, at the right times, and that the crew has all the information they need to get set up for the show. It would be so nice to just put commands into a rundown and be done with it.

On some happier news, the weekend was great! It was actually one of the most eventful weekends we've had in a long time. We spent the evening of Pioneer Day at Luke's cousin Dave's house, which is a block from Liberty Park. We ate yummy ribs, tried to stay cool, and watched the fireworks from his backyard. Saturday we took the dogs up Millcreek Canyon and had a picnic at Dog Lake. A few things: first, never put your sandwiches in the back pocket of the backpack...they will squish and get super soggy; next, Charlotte can swim! Though she prefers just to stand and lollop in the water; finally, just because the internet says there's only an altitude gain of 900 feet over 2 miles means nothing. Needless to say, my butt still hurts from the steep trek back down the mountain, while Luke's calves are killing him. No exercise for us until those heal a bit.

Saturday night Dave invited us to see one of my all-time favorite movies at the Tower Theater: The Godfather. I've seen this movie dozens of times, but never on the big screen. And never at midnight after a day of hiking. Even with a latte, it still took a lot to stay awake through 3 hours of family dynamics and the inner workings of the powerful Corleone crime family. It was so much fun though, there's a lot of things you miss in the movie when you watch it on the small screen. But I can't remember the last time I was up at 3am when I wasn't at work. I'm gradually accepting that I'm turning into an old fogey who can't handle late nights anymore.

Sunday was nice. Just trying to stay cool, reading, a little laundry, a lot of relaxing. I love Sundays, and I love them even more when the weather isn't 100 degrees so I can do some of the things I like without dying of heat stroke. I'm so ready for my favorite season: Fall! So long as Luke has a job, we're off to Yellowstone in October, right before they start closing roads. I'm so excited! It's my most favorite place on earth, I can't get enough. And this time....we're staying at the Old Faithful Inn, just him and me :) I can't wait! Let's just hope and pray everything career-wise will turn out OK for us.

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